Sunday evening my son RJ showed up at my door for dinner (his wife is out of town) and he was carrying some beautiful produce that a sweet older gentleman gave him earlier that day when he was in Bakersfield.
Among the fruit were three absolutely huge lemons!
These lemons are the size of bowling balls!
I was absolutely intrigued! I have never seen a lemon of these gigantic proportions.
You can see in this pic that the bowling ball sized lemons have some grapefruits, an orange and smaller lemons in front of them, as well as a cluster of grapes nestled in the middle.What were we to do with these huge lemons?
We cut it open and decided to juice it and see how much juice we could get from it. It was 1 1/4 cups!
From one lemon!
The juice from that one lemon made a whole pitcher of lemonade that we enjoyed with dinner that night.
If anyone knows the name of these gargantuan lemons, and anything else about them, please share it with us in the comments.
Have a great day!