
Plant Spotlight: Japanese Maples

Certain plants just amaze me with their beauty! Among these are Japanese Maples.   They have a delicate beauty that never ceases to dazzle me. This last summer I spent some time at the Portland Japanese Garden, which has an extensive collection of mature specimens all throughout the gardens. It was a sweltering hot day…

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Dry Creek Beds: Borrowing Inspiration From Nature

Here in Tehachapi our arid climate poses a few challenges to creating the warm, welcoming, nurturing place our home landscapes should be. If you have gardened here for any length of time here you have no doubt faced some of these demands. So how does one work with our gardening conditions, instead of fighting against…

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Plant Spotlight: Germander

Tehachapi being the tough growing area that it is, there are a few plants that I have come to rely on in my landscape design business. Germander is one of the perennial plants I return to again and again for filling in the gaps, literally! It is easy to grow and propagate. It likes full…

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Discovering Your Landscape Style

Creating a landscape that you will love for years to come is a process that should not be hurried. The best designs evolve over a period of time. I suggest living in your home for a year before you undertake any major renovation outside. Why? Because you need time to observe your home and landscape’s…

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